Meryl Taradash

Sculptures of Light and Wind

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Sisyphus Catches every Breath of Wind in Morning Light,
Venice Art Biennial
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Sisyphus Shadows Reflect & Unite with Lines of Sculpture
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Sisyphus with St. Marks Overlooks Grand Canal, Venice
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Sisyphus at Fordham


Rotating aluminum, painted stainless steel, reflecting wind & light

9ft. h x 11ft. in length x 4ft. d

On April 23rd 2022 "Sisyphus" opened for public viewing in the group exhibition "Personal Structures" curated by the European Cultural Centre (ECC) of Italy. Displayed until Nov. 27th and organized in parallel to the Venice Biennial, the ECC_Italy created this exhibition to broaden the scope of making art accessible to all.

When I was first invited to submit my idea for a sculpture in the Marinaressa Gardens in 2021, by the European Cultural Centre (ECC) of Italy, I pictured my existing kinetic sculpture "Sisyphus" there.

Its Möbius loops reach high, towards infinity and yet the center remains calm. A wind- activated kinetic work, the sculpture balances and rebalances, moment to moment, and is designed to mirror the changing experiences of life..

It moves with the gentle breezes of the canal. (refer to Mauro Bianchini's thoughts in Artevarese Newsletter)

The sculpture overlooks the walkway and waters of the Grand Canal, an extraordinary site in the Marinaressa Gardens for free public viewing

The sculpture's movement of aluminum, atop painted black stainless steel is contrasted by its display of white gravel on site, an innovative decision by the Gardens Team of the ECC. Wayne LaPierre provided plans for a great installation that suggests the sculpture appearing to rise and creep along its path.

See Personal Structures Reflections link

It was first displayed at Fordham University Lincoln Center NYC as part of my outdoor solo exhibition and then was presented with Blue Lotus at Overland Park and Arboretum's "Whirlwind Art-in-Motion Exhibition." (see video links from Fordham)